Addicted to Ink

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

what I want to become

A few weeks ago, in my "authenticity, truth" blog, I wrote about desiring to make a real difference, about wanting to pray life-changing kind of prayers.

Today, I edited an inspiring piece from a friend of mine that included the following:

One person comes to my mind that set the ultimate example of praying, other than Christ himself... . My philosophy professor in college made it a point to pray for a student’s particular needs each day of class. He was known as the prayer warrior on campus by colleagues, alumni and students. Faculty claimed to see him pray without ceasing, on his knees, in a corner of a room with lists and lists of prayer requests. My name made it on that list my freshmen year of college. I asked him to pray for two things specifically. I never had him for a professor again throughout my college career, but every time I interacted with him he asked me about those prayer requests. Even upon my graduation day he told me that he would not stop praying for me until I told him the Lord answered his prayers. He never forgot my needs and he was intentional in asking about them. The Lord did answer his prayers, but I never had the opportunity to share that with him due to his sudden death caused by cancer. I encouraged his wife with a letter, after his passing, expressing to her that my healing was largely due to her husband’s intercession over my life. I would not be who I am today without the power of prayer and a committed professor who saw a need and made himself available through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for people who intercede for those of us who least expect a gift that grand!

I desire to give that gift to others, to learn the power of this intercessory prayer, to grow myself.

So know, my dear friends, that as I learn how, I am praying for you. For healing, both physically and emotionally; for direction, for promises to be fulfilled, for dreams to come true, for loneliness to give way to peace and fulfillment.


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