I'm trying to be okay with turning 30 soon, I really am.
But getting an AARP invitation in the mail yesterday didn't help. C'mon! I've still got about 70 years before I can retire - especially in this economy!
That being said, some time ago, I made a list of 30 things I wanted to do before I turned 30. As that day rapidly approaches and only God knows where that list is (they say the memory is the first thing to go), I realize that I probably won't publish my first novel, run a marathon, earn another degree, or visit Hawaii in the next 30 days. And I guess I can live with that.
But I have to say that my 20s were -and probably will be - one of my most life-changing decades. I graduated from college. I began my career. I fell in love and got married, and we bought a home, our own furniture, and grown-up stuff like a furnace and a roof and carpet. I traveled outside the U.S. several times. I gave birth to another human being. My family buried my uncle and all four of my grandparents. Each of my siblings were married. My parents moved away from my hometown. The myriad of monumental moments could go on for, well, a really long time.
And so, of course, I wonder what this decade will hold... and I look forward to more moments of laughter, of love, of time spent with family and friends. So - 30's not so bad, right?