Authenticity, Truth
I've had an awesome week in New York this week. Especially yesterday, our touristy day (with the exception of stepping in human feces in the subway. DIS-GUST-ING!)
We saw Fiddler on the Roof, which was absolutely amazing. All of the actors were amazing, but Harvey Fierstein? Amazing. Perfect. Phenomenal.
But today....
Lately, the big question swirling in my brain is "What is a Christian?" I meet so many people who are at so many places spiritually (that's true for all of us). My conservative friends would define "Christian" so much differently than my liberal friends. I have such good friends on both sides of the fence- (I learned today that it's because of my DISC personality type -- I'm SI! I'm learning a lot about myself lately...) that sometimes it leaves me wondering who is right... . It's kind of funny (ironic funny) because on one side, the most extreme right there's so much legalism, judgement, and disgust (all in Christian love, of course!) and on the most extreme other side, there is, well, recklessness, bitterness, and judgement for the other side for judging them. I recognize and affirm the fact that there is absolute truth but what is most True is God's command to love. To love Him, really love Him. And to love others. Wherever they're at.
And getting back to today...the other day, Deb was telling me about a preacher in Kiev who has the most humongous church and how amazing it's doing. She'd heard him speak at a conference, and he was talking about how we Christians don't even access the incredible power we have.
Shino (the vp at nyak) introduced this tiny woman who gave the best sermon I've ever heard. It was based on 2 Chronicles 32 (the whole chapter), a text I've NEVER paid attention to before. And after it, I felt God tell me that I have lost confidence in His power. Ouch. But it's true. I needed to hear it. I needed to confess it. I needed to repent of it. Old-fashioned words, but truth.
Maybe it's because of my hubristic post the other day, but I feel this deep need to pray not just "thanks-for-the-food-please-heal-my-friend and now-i-lay-me-down-to-sleep" prayers, but honest-to-goodness affecting-change-kind of prayers.
Guess I better learn how.